Monthly Archives: September 2006

I Cry for Humanity

I cry for Humanity
We can’t see
Do you see?
Where is your compassion?
Where are your wings?
Where are your children?
Where is the man in human?
I cry for the seas
I cry for the seeds
I want to see
-Next time someone asks me where it is I come from I will say from the human race 
 by Heidi Ajlani

Vietnam Blues



I loved Hanoi, Vietnam, everything was down to size of the Vietnamese…by that I mean the stores were mini, the streets were mini, thier chairs were mini…it was soooo cute…I was sitting in a cafe wondering why there was ever a Vietnam War…(To the Vietnamese it is known as The American War not Vietnam War )..Why?? and now Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc..? I came across a poem by Sarge Lintecum printed in the Hanoi Daily, July 2006, and thought it to be appropriate for my train of thinking…at that moment at least…..  


THE VIETNAM BLUES Sarge Lintecum 1998

I wanna tell you ’bout some blues I got one time,
In a little place called Vietnam.
Now I guess Vietnam’s about as far away from here as you can get,
‘Cause it didn’t seem to matter which way the jet flew.
Sometimes we’d go East, sometimes West,
But no matter, twenty-two hours later,
There you are in Vietnam.

Now I did three tours over there,
Twenty-six months,
In which time I came down with malaria three times,
Jungle rot, immersion foot, two kinds of internal parasites,
Shrapnel wound in my leg,
And Agent Orange all over my body.
I’m talkin’ blues now, Jack.

You run into two kinds of Vietnam combat veterans;
Some can’t talk about it, some can’t stop.
But there’s one thing we all have in common;
Sometimes we get thinkin’ ’bout the guys ‘n gals
That didn’t make it back,
And we come down with a real bad case,
Of the Vietnam blues.